It’s 3 in the morning and I’m in my tent, like every carp angler I’m disposing of the adrenaline accumulated after a lightning start made my horns ring in the middle of the night here at the Wild Lake Soncino.
It’s mid-November and with 5 friends we have occuped 3 swims that are very different from each other and very different technically, so you have more chances to capture some superb scalled.
My choice fell on swim 4, which allows me to drop even up to 250 meters away, thus reaching a large bay full of fronds that fall on the surface, creating sensational spots where to catch carp in this month.
The first two nights spent in rain and wind giving us good catches, but it was not what I was impatiently looking for, the catch was fine but I was not 100% convinced of how the session was proceeding and so I decided to completely change strategy.
After an hour of observation, entrusting everything to the “sense of water”, an indispensable weapon for an angler, I began to see small markings slowly moving under the bushes, right next to some branches, I decided that that was the ideal spot.
Where to concretize my tenting ruminations.I took, without thinking too much, about 2 kg and a half of pellets and nothing else, climbed into the boat and slowly reached those bushes, lowered my balanced 25 mm and spilling on it, in a localized manner, all the prepared pellets.
the reason for this choice was twofold, first of all the result of careful observation, and immediately after the speed with which the pellets are recognized by the cyprinid.
The result was the capture of a wonderful, powerful, scalled, taken and fought from the boat in broad daylight, under a very light November rain and surrounded by trees and nature that, I will never get tired of saying it in Italy, there are few lakes able to give such scenarios, the Wild Lake is certainly one of them.
One thing I never managed to explain to myself, as in every Carpfishing session the emotions and adrenaline that this sport can give me is pure magic, each capture is like the first one.